Monday, January 6, 2020

2020 Board of Directors

Michael Brandenberger - Prez
Bobby Montgomery - Executive VP - Programs
Phil Casteel - Treasurer
Jessica Ewy - Secretary

Harry Hewlett - VP of A/R, Showcases, Song Contest
Ben Halim - VP of Technology
Renee Sullivan - VP of Membership
Barbe McMillen - President Emeritus, Administration, Newsletter
Alexis Tapp - Lyric Contest Director

Don Wall - Public Relations
Rickey Gene Wright - At Large
Buck Morgan - Past President,  At Large
Jack Allday - At Large
Joe Milton - At Large
Ken Duren - At Large

1 comment:

  1. Thanks to Alexis Tapp for considering my song, Bow River, and for the critique.

    You said you might like to hear it put to music.

    You can here:

    It was recorded on Garage Band, so not the most professional. And a couple singing notes got away from me

    But you'll get the gist.

    I hope this gets to you Alexis.

    Robert Ehlert
