Monday, June 8, 2009

2009 Dallas Songwriters Association Officers & Directors, Committees


Steve Sullivan - President,
Steve Morgan - Vice President, ( Public Relations )
Paul Penrod - Vice President of Membership
Sherrie Davis - Vice President of Programs
Bob Paterno - Secretary
John Davis - Treasurer, ( Webmaster)

Board Members at Large

Barbara McMillen - Founding President Emeritus, Administration, Newsletter Editor
Nancy Rynders - Lyric Contest Director
William Brown - Military Song Contest Director
Don Ashley - DSA store manager
Vern Dailey - Media Publicity, Monthly Meeting Programs
Anna Terry - Marketing
Rick Yentsch - Public relations, song contest
James Foster - Showcase Director
Open Position

The following may or may not be directors. You do not have to be a director or a member to be a committee member

Committee Members

Workshop Committee - chair - No one - this could be you
Vacant - Cordinator Song Swap Workshop
James Pappas - Song Swap Workshop committee
Vacant - Librarian, workshops
Vacant - Monthly Meeting Critiques

Showcase Committee - chair: James Foster
Rick Yentz
Craig St. Clair
Paul Zander

Public Relations Committee- chair - Buck Morgan
Anna Terry - Marketing

SSS Committee - chair, Will Brown
Barbara McMillen
Lisa Lazo
Jose Volante
Mike Dawson
Joni Ringo
Steve Sullivan
Buck Morgan
Nancy Rynders
Anna Terry

Sponsorship Committee - No chair - this could be you
Joni Ringo -