Thursday, November 10, 2011

2012 Directors

On Tuesday, November 11th at the annual membership meeting at the Center for Community Cooperation 2900 Live Oak, the following members were elected as directors for 2012.

1. Barbara McMillen
2. Buck Morgan
3. Roger Russell
4. Joe Milton
5. Liz Basse
6. Craig Crafton
7. James Pappas
8. Steve Sullivan
9. Trevor Dahlen
10.Bobby Montgomery
11. Tamara McGuckin
12. Lisa Byrn
13. Casey Graham
14. Michael Brandenberger
15. Julie Jean White

Thursday, February 3, 2011


On January 23, 2011 the DSA newly elected directors convened for election of officers and planning the programs for the coming year.

President - Buck Morgan 
Executive Vice President - Roger Russell, A & R, Song Swap Coordinator, Tinos
VP of Membership -Mary Guthrie, Song Swap Coordinator, Half Price Books
VP of Programs - Donna Scoggins
Secretary - CB Luce
Treasurer - Bobby Montgomery

Trevor Dahlen - Public Relations - co-chair
Michael Brandenberg - Director of Workshops 
James Pappas - Song Swap Coordinator, Half Pirce Books
Steve Sullivan, Past President - Song Swap Coordinator, Tinos

Scott Fant
Scott White
Lisa Byrn
2 seats open

Barbara McMillen, Newsletter Editor, Blogmaster, Administration

COMMITTEE MEMBERS who are not voting directors
Web Store - Don Ashley
Webmaster - John Davis, Committee: Donna, Buck, Roger, CB
Lyric Contest Director - Nancy Rynders

Bob Paterno (moved to Nashville) and Brook Malouf (heavy travel schedule) resigned.